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进口尼科5号高温航空润滑脂|MIL-G-3545 C标准|法国尼科集团NYCO
尼科5号高温航空润滑脂标准:DCSEA 359/A或AIR 4205B(MIL-G-3545 C) |
Nyco5号高温航空润滑脂是一种基于高粘度矿物油的NLGI 2润滑脂。它具有良好的耐洗能力和优良的承载能力。其典型的工作温度范围从-18 c到+149 c。 用途: Nyco5号高温航空润滑脂是一种用于重型起落架的重型轮轴承润滑脂,以中速运行。它也适用于在高温下运行的飞机部件,例如启动磁电机或发电机。 Nyco5号高温航空润滑脂一般不用于零下15度的温度下低速时,因为这种情况下不足以使油脂软化并适当地流通到轴承部件中。
Nyco Grease GN 05 is a NLGI 2 grease based on a high viscosity mineral oil thickened by clay. It has a good resistance to water wash out and excellent load carrying capacity. Its typical operating temperature range is from -18°C to + 149°C. Application
Nyco Grease GN 05 is primarily intended for use as a heavy duty wheel bearing grease for heavily loaded landing gears, operated at medium speed. It is also suitable for aircraft components running at high temperature, such as starters magnetos or generators as well as some military automotive components such as truck electric retarder (TELMA).
Nyco Grease GN 05 shall not be used at temperature below - 15°C without a warm-up period at idle/low-speed to allow the grease to soften and properly circulate into the bearing parts.
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